Precise measurements tracking changes in your body’s size and shape are the key to customizing a body and wellness program to fit your unique needs. At our center in Miami, Florida, we use revolutionary body scanning technology that eliminates the need for inaccurate tape measures. GV Plastic Surgery was one of the first centers in the Miami area to use the Styku 3D scanner, which quickly obtains measurements and shows even the slightest changes in your body’s shape and contour.
Based on the same technology used by Microsoft’s Xbox gaming system, the Styku scanner uses a 3D camera to scan the entire body. It provides an objective 360 degree analysis and measurement of your body, while you simply stand on the turntable and remain still for 30 seconds. As the turntable rotates, the scanner captures, measures, and analyzes your entire body.
Before you begin your body contouring program, we perform this thorough 3D imaging. Then, we perform periodic scans to capture your image at 6, 12 and 18 weeks after your treatment. Together, we’ll track your changing body at every step in the process. Besides body shape, the scanner can help calculate fitness and numerous health metrics.
To get more information about the Styku 3D body scanner, request a consultation using the online form. Or, you can call our office at 305-783-3223 to schedule an appointment.