A new skin tightening treatment in Miami.

More then ever, patients are seeking the most minimally invasive treatments to tighten skin in the face and neck are while remodeling adipose tissue.

A large treatment gap exists among 3 types of patients:

Younger patients who increasingly desire soft tissue tightening without traditional operations, scars, and downtime

Patients with soft tissue laxity who are not ready to justify an facelift procedure, but not “mild enough” to rely solely liposuction with soft tissue contraction alone

Patients with recurring laxity who have already undergone traditional procedures.

New technologies like radiofrequency (RF) Morpheus8 by Dr. Varkarakis now offers a solution. The RF microneedling allows for subdermal adipose remodeling and skin tightening. In Dr. Varkarakis’s experience, these technologies have been effective and safe in these patient populations.

EmbraceRF is a ground-breaking new RF technology which has been optimally developed for face tightening and neck tightening. This new technological advancement combines the best skin laxity treatment as well as fat remodeling. 

Patients now have a new non-invasive treatment option especially if they are not quite ready for a surgical procedure, but want similar and incredible outcomes.


Dr. Varkarakis now offers a new facial treatment option where no other currently exists in the market:

  • Embrace RF combination the most powerful modalities to immediately tighten skin and tissue of the face.
  • Embrace RF is an excellent solution for patients who still don’t want a facelift, but want an enhanced outcome.


The first and only full-body fractional technology for skin tightening. Even though the technology is applied external, it offers the deepest fractional technology, allowing Dr. Varkarakis to precisely target deep layers of a patient’s skin and remodel the collagen.


  • A safe treatment for patients.
  •  no thermal damage to dermis area.
  • Safe to use on most skin types.
  • Unlike other resurfacing methods, there is little risk of post inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

What can you treat with Morpheus 8?


The Morpheus8 technology precisely focuses on the subdermal layers of the skin tissue which remodels the face and body’s collagen.


The production of collagen is stimulated using the Morpheus 8 skin treatment.  It treats the underlying layers of the dermis. The technology is usually used on the lower face and neck but can also be used on most body parts.

Dr. George M. Varkarakis is a world renowned Craniofacial and Plastic Surgeon.  Patients travel from arounfd the world to be treated by Dr. Varkarakis and his world class team. His mission is to provide the highest-quality patient outcomes with his artistic perspective and highly skilled eye and hands. He has a sincere passion for beauty and caring for his patients that you will sense even upon the first consultation. Dr. Varkarakis, a Greek Plastic Surgeon, has a specific upbringing and love of art and life which is seen in his incredible patient outcomes.

If you are interested in skin tightening or microneedling, please contact GV Plastic Surgery today and setup your consultation with Dr. Varkarakis.